John Meyers
John is a strategic partner to Cygnet Strategy, LLC.
Nobel Prize winning physicist, William Bragg said, “The important thing in science is not so much to obtain new facts as to discover new ways of thinking about them.” The hallmark of John’s membership, marketing and branding work is fresh thinking.
Founder and President of John Meyers Marketing Group (JMMG), John is a recognized expert for membership, marketing and branding for associations and publishers in science and medicine. He brings a broad array of experience: membership, marketing, branding, advertising, market research publishing, business development, and digital content. His organizational experience spans professional associations, commercial scientific and medical publishing, and marketing agency campaigns and account management.
While at the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the journal, Science, John led a strategic membership review and analysis leading to a complete rebranding of the Association. This rebranding and revitalized membership program resulted in 9% market increase in membership over four years and sales of over $20 Million. Most recently, John directed the Membership Services team at the American Society for Microbiology where he again revitalized the membership program, including launching a new 3-tier membership program, rebranding membership and membership communications halting years of membership attrition leading to record membership in 2016 of over 50,000 members. John also directed the outreach program to the 35 ASM U.S. Branches, initiated new real-time membership feedback program, and was a leader in efforts to upgrade the e-commerce system and select and implement a new association management system for ASM.
John is a graduate the University of Baltimore’s Master’s Degree program in Publications Design and a graduate of the University of Maryland – College Park. To inspire fresh thinking, John explores new perspectives through painting and drawing. Andrew Davies, CEO of Texere Publishing LTD says, “John Meyers is a team player who brings a valuable combination of creativity, boundless energy, experience and a determination to deliver; he will make the job feel easy and fun whilst never taking his eye off the ultimate goal, which with him you will surpass.”